Selecting the Ideal Google Ads Partner for Enhancing Your Ecommerce Venture

Google Ads stands as the premier search media platform for enhancing website traffic and boosting conversions. However, it's worth noting that it also holds the reputation of being the most intricate and challenging platform to master. With its array of products spanning Search, Shopping, Display, YouTube, and beyond, Google offers a multitude of tools to aid in business expansion.

Through our extensive account audits, we've observed a common trend: brands allocate a significant portion of their budget on Google Ads, primarily targeting traffic that was already destined for their website – specifically, through branded search campaigns. Unfortunately, much of the expenditure on these campaigns goes to waste.

Is Google a Suitable
Match for Your Brand?

Regarding Google’s digital advertising platform, we typically seek two key attributes in the brands we collaborate with.
Businesses that fit this mold are in the perfect position for us to quickly dominate the search marketplace.

In-Depth Brand Analysis

If you have a specialized product and you're considering advertising on Google, navigating through its array of offerings such as Google Search, Google Shopping, YouTube Ads, and Google Display can feel overwhelming. That's where our expertise comes into play. Here at Evestar, we commence every collaboration with an initial assessment, delving deep into your business, analyzing the competitive environment, understanding your target demographic, and more.

When engaging with a new client boasting an established presence, we adopt a strategic approach starting from the ground up. Our initial focus revolves around leveraging Google Search & Shopping as the primary avenues to swiftly drive Return on Investment (ROI), while maximizing the brand's existing image. This enables us to promptly generate revenue, facilitating the reinvestment of profits into broader funnel campaigns.

A recent illustration of this strategy unfolded with a fashion wholesale client of ours. Despite having cultivated robust partnerships with major retailers like Nordstrom, Bloomingdales, and Neiman Marcus, the client found that these collaborations resulted in significant search volumes for their brand name being captured and monetized by the retailers, rather than benefiting the client directly. To rectify this, we assumed control over the search and shopping channels, directing traffic to the brand's own platforms rather than those of the retailers. This adjustment led to an immediate surge in revenue and ROI for our client.

By realigning campaign parameters, we ensured that the considerable search volumes accrued did not solely serve the interests of partners such as retailers and affiliates, but instead, directly benefited the brand itself.

Is your brand’s product visually appealing? Do you have a competitive advantage that would entice users to click on your product (e.g. price, professional photography, etc.)?

All of these factors determine whether Google Shopping –the top Google ecommerce platform — will become your main focus in your Google Adwords campaigns. Google Shopping is almost always the most profitable Google channel for e-commerce businesses.

Initially, we’ll dive into the search terms for a deeper understanding of what potential customers are actually looking for within search results. Then we look thoroughly through each product’s titles and descriptions to make sure the most searched keywords are included in the titles and descriptions.

While this is time consuming and requires tremendous experience and precision, it’s the vital jumping off point for everything moving forward. Once we’ve completed this review, we’re ready to optimize the shopping feeds including product titles, descriptions, etc. In addition, we’ll build out a new campaign structure that ensures we’ll show up for the right terms AND remove any waste.

The unique nature of Google Shopping, which doesn’t give the ability to bid on exact keywords, is what makes it very different from Google Search. This is also an area where Evestar’s unique approach becomes increasingly valuable. Everything from data feed optimization, campaign architecture, as well as a close connection with SEO are critical to the long-term success of Google Shopping campaigns.

For enterprises equipped with compelling video content, YouTube presents an excellent avenue for acquiring cost-efficient traffic. The platform's capability to deploy video ads across prominent channels or among specific interest groups offers one of the most potent targeting mechanisms available.

Frequently, we observe highly cost-effective outreach from YouTube, particularly towards audiences with high relevance to our objectives.

YouTube boasts a plethora of distinctive targeting features, rendering it a complementary counterpart to Facebook Advertising. While Facebook's algorithm excels in pinpointing target demographics, YouTube harnesses tools like past search behaviors to extend our reach to desired audiences.

Have you maxed out potential across social channels? Do you have an appetite for expanding your top-of-funnel awareness? If so, then Google Display may be a good fit.

This is one of the most misunderstood channels within the Google suite of products. While Google Display is an older network to advertise on, the wide reach of placing banner ads across millions of websites has always been a powerful way to reach users.

In almost every instance, businesses come to us utilizing small display budgets for remarketing only. However, we have seen many occasions where this is exactly the tool that a business needs to take the next step in expanding their digital presence.

IF we can find enough budget to make this channel work, there is huge potential profitability with Google display.

Evaluation of Architectural Structure

For enterprises equipped with compelling video content, YouTube presents an excellent avenue for acquiring cost-efficient traffic. The platform's capability to deploy video ads across prominent channels or among specific interest groups offers one of the most potent targeting mechanisms available.

Frequently, we observe highly cost-effective outreach from YouTube, particularly towards audiences with high relevance to our objectives.

YouTube boasts a plethora of distinctive targeting features, rendering it a complementary counterpart to Facebook Advertising. While Facebook's algorithm excels in pinpointing target demographics, YouTube harnesses tools like past search behaviors to extend our reach to desired audiences.

A thorough assessment should avoid dwelling on subjective nuances like personal preferences for specific ad copy. Instead, it should prioritize objective best practices, delving extensively into structural discoveries guaranteed to enhance performance. A robust audit will concentrate on:

When conducting an audit, you can count on our experts to review 100+ individual details that ensure the account is set up for maximum success.

Utilizing a Comprehensive Strategy

Once you’ve set up the structure, developed new creative and optimized the website UX/CRO, your environment is ready for testing and scaling. Depending on the previous account spend, a strong initial testing phase generally lands between $5,000 – $10,000 per month. Throughout testing, a credible Facebook Advertising Agency should achieve solid benchmark metrics in CAC/AOV/Conversion rate in order for the test to be successful. It’s only once metrics are solid that your team should increase budgets. Scaling campaigns requires precision and creativity which is why experienced campaign managers understand how quickly you can sensibly scale the budget and when the time is right to swap out creative.

E Com Startup Services is an founded by a serial entrepreneur that walked the path of scaling a business from scratch. If you’re ready to discuss how we can help you take your business to the next level